Thursday, October 16, 2008

Al Smith Memorial Dinner

My mother just called to inform me of this highly entertaining event.

In the spirit of comedy, both candidates mocked the catch phrases and controversy surrounding their campaigns. I can't wait to get the transcript online, but some of the highlights from Obama included:

"You may know that I got my name, Barack, from my father. What you may not know is Barack is Swahili for 'That One.'"
"Not once have I ever put lipstick on a pig... or myself."
"My middle name is actually Steve... that's right Barack Steve Obama."
"Fox News actually accused me of fathering two African American children in wedlock. By the way John, im curious, is Fox News actually included in the media?!"
"At the campaign rallies, someone started yelling 'NOBAMA'.... I wish Joe Biden wouldn't have done that."

[more to come]

Post Debate: Kitty Edition

My kitties, Tiger and Rascal, enjoyed watching last night's debate while live blog chatting at After finishing the rest of the beer in the house, Rascal woke up with a terrible hang over inside of the beer box. As usual, Tiger just looked on in disgust.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Racism on the Campaign Trail

"Off with his head."

"Kill him."

"He's a terrorist."

I think anyone could have predicted this time would come. A time when McCain falls so far down in the polls that his supporters start to, well, freak out. Now we're starting to see the true colors of Republicans around the country as they shout terribly racist things and make posters about asphyxiating Obama with a noose.


It's hard to believe people like that actually exist in this world. ::sigh::

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Friends, Don't Vote For "That One"

Now, I understand that John McCain has a temper. And I'm well aware that he has very little patience (and tolerance). But he said something during last night's debate that didn't sit well with me. He knows he's behind in the polls, and he's starting to pull out the "last resort" stuff, so it's no surprise his feathers got a little ruffled during the town-hall style debate. While discussing energy policies, he turned and pointed at Obama, referring to him as "that one." The two words may seem insignificant, and used together they don't often convey a deeper meaning or a hidden message. However, McCain's comment was inherently racist, belittling Senator Obama as an African-American and as a person. In a time when public school teachers are equating Obama to the N word in their 7th grade classrooms, and people are shouting "kill him" at Palin campaign rallies, we can't afford to see such an ignorant display of racism coming from a Presidential candidate.

At least someone had the creative genious to turn his words into an empowering campaign slogan. I think I just might buy that t-shirt.

And who, exactly, is John McCain really friends with? Hmmm....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Spice Up Your Night w/ Palin Bingo!

Tonight's debate is going to be highly entertaining. It will most likely turn out to be the most watched vice presidential debate in history. I know I'll be watching.

And I'll also be paying very close attention to the many popular Palin catch phrases because I want to win.


You can play along too! It will definitely enhance your debate watching experience.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Gwen Ifill - Too "Write" to be "Moderator"

I must admit, I'm additcted to Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow. I'm not going to lie.

Moving on... Surprise, surprise! There are hints that Good Ol' Party wants to *gasp* postpone the vice presidential debate! A-maz-ing.

Turns out, they had "no idea" Gwen Ifill, the debate's moderator, wrote a book about black politicians, even though the book was revealed in July, and was available for pre-order in August. Stop the press! The McCain camp/conservatives across the land had no idea about this book until they received an email late last night informing them about it. Uh oh.

Greta claims Ifill will sell more books if Obama wins in November, and that makes her a partisan moderator, going against the rules of the debates. Isn't that stretching things, Fox News? If she wrote a book on women in politics, would that suddenly make her incapable of moderating a debate between the VP candidates because one of them happens to be a woman?

Well, at least McCain said she'll be fair and unbiased in her moderator position. So that means the debate is officially on. And it'll be "kinda like the superbowl," according to one Alaskian friend of Sarah Palin. Yeah, girl. And I'll only be watching for the commercials.

>>Side note on Sarah Palin: She can't even name one single newspaper that she reads. What is up with that?? [I can't even comment on the Katie Couric interviews. It pains me.]